Forgive me if sometimes I beat this subject over and over like a dirty, old, dead, gross, dusty, door mat. BUT---I was watching the news the other day and I just have to get this off my chest or I think I might just burst. And we all know that is a remedy for disaster.....
I was watching the news the other night and I saw an update on a young man who had been held captive most of his life. He had gone missing when he was about 6 and finally found at about 17 years of age.
The interview was quite fascinating. His point of view and his optimism on life was truly admirable. At one point the person giving the interview just stopped the man in the middle of answering one of her questions and said. "How is it that after so long in captivity, you didn't just loose hope of ever escaping?" The man stopped, but stopped for just a moment to think. Just a moment. Looked up at the person giving the interview and said. "Because they never gave up." Tears began to well up inside the mans eyes.
He was talking about his mother and father.
For those long eleven years his parents continued on their quest looking for their son. Never forgetting that he could still be alive. I do not remember this young man's name so I am going to call him Steve.
While Steve was held in captivity he was allowed to watch TV. On occaison he would see news clippings of his parents. Still, after all these years looking for their son, trying to spread the word about their missing son.
On occasion Steven was able to sneak and get access to a computer and surf the internet. He was able to see his parents website that was dedicated to him. They continued to update it for eleven years, giving Steven the strength to endure his captivity. His courage is truly inspiring.
Now......I know Stevens' case is unique. And most of the time a missing persons case doesn't end up that way. In fact, EVERY missing person case is different and UNIQUE.
Life is full of surprises. One day life is normal and then it is never the same again. It shifts. A new normal needs to be found.
The one thing I am so amazed at is the power of love. People say you can't see it, but that isn't true. It glistens in the eyes of the ones who love you back.
The people I love have such a strong hold on my heart. Forgetting them would be impossible. This blog will forever be dedicated to Jesse. When I write on it, I will always have him on my mind. (even if I don't mention him in the post.) So if you are out there Jesse, know we haven't forgotten you. (and you better come home......that is a threat;) We will never loose hope.
I do feel very blessed in my life. I've had a very happy one. I've learned so much. My kids are my greatest gifts and my husband my best friend. Thank you all for all your support and love. It has truly helped so much. Thank you. Thank you!