Monday, April 22, 2013


I have written about about so many important people in my life. But none so wonderful as my Mother.

I feel all those close to their mothers can relate to me when I say, I think my mother is the most amazing woman in the entire world.....Most daughters who are close to their mother's think that.

Her entire life has been one, big, gigantic, selfless act. She has dedicated her life to us 7 kids. (As so many of you beautiful mothers do.) Her love for us has been an unfailing, steadfast, and pure gift in our life. To have her as a mother was and is the greatest blessing god has blessed us with. I am thankful everyday I have her in my life.

Her strength is what I strive to have. Being a single mother was never in her dreams when she was a young girl, growing up. But she carried this family into great happiness and never let us down. At times, having 2 jobs and running us to dance and soccer games. She did it all. A fighter. Never giving up. Always pushing forward. Mom is the stitch that forever holds this family together.

Mom could never hurt a fly, but her presence makes you feel safe and protected. When she is near, peace is never far away. Love, is all around, and laughter is always at your lips.

Her laugh is contagious. Her giggle hilarious. True to a mother's standard's; she will laugh at all your jokes and tell you you are the funniest person she has ever met. Although you know she is your mom, she always makes you feel better about yourself.

She is my best friend. I can tell her anything and no judgment will come my way. She knows me better than I know myself. When I need her, she is there. She is there even when I don't know I need her.

Her beauty is incomparable. Because it goes beyond her face and into her eyes. In her eyes you can see the love she holds for every person she meets. Her eyes hold a beauty only a mother can posses. Her unconditional love for you is a just a sliver to how deep her heart feels for others. She is kind, she is sincere, she is mother. 

Although, she may have had to move a few times.....(Each time the home a little smaller) always feels absolutely perfect inside.....because she lives there. Her presence makes the home richer, brighter, and happier. I always feel like it is home no matter where she lives. She is home.

Her patience is something I strive to replicate each day with my own children. The steady kindness I felt as a child remains with me today as I raise my own. To hear mom raise her voice was rare and you were always guilty as charged. The worst feeling in the world is when you disappoint mom. But.........She never stays upset long.

Her ever forgiving heart is something you can always count on. Once you are loved by this woman, it is for life.

I love this woman. She is amazing in every kind of way the world could possibly describe a person. She has done so much for me in my life. I can not imagine not having her in mine. The love and sacrifices she has made in her life has made mine that much sweeter. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for her. Her dreams were to make mine come true.

She is what I have always wanted to be. She is what I always strive to be. She is my mother.

***If you are a daughter who is close to your mother, I think you probably all feel the same way about your mother too!!! THEY ARE THE BEST!!! I guess I better tell I think so!!!***

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Secrets, Secrets, are no fun....Secrets, Secrets, Hurt Someone...

Did you ever hear the phrase on the playground, "Secrets, Secrets, are no fun...Secrets, Secrets, hurt Someone?"

Usually it was said to you while you were whispering into one of your friends ear. All the while, another child was feeling horribly left out. She is imagining horrible things are being said about her. When really the secret may have been just that you peed your pants and you needed to get to the bathroom asap. You just whispered in your friends ear because you needed them to cover for you while you made your get away.

Still the child left out felt hurt. She is your friend too. She is confused why she was not included or trusted like the other friend was.

This is just a silly misunderstanding at a playground. We all have misunderstandings. We've dealt with them our entire lives. We've fixed them and moved on. We all have different trials, weaknesses, and struggles. We all have secrets too.

Secrets that may have hurt others. Secrets that may have hurt ourselves. Secrets that are still hurting. The truth is, Secrets....secrets....really are no fun. The feeling of being honest and authentic is truly a gift.

I'm not faulting anyone for having a secret....believe me....I'm not:) I've got plenty. Yea, I know. You'd think with how honest I am on this blog you'd know everything about me....but yes, even I have secrets. There is a huge reason I started this blog.....for my secrets.

I found the weight of my secrets too much. My baby steps toward being honest with myself and family has been a real journey. I feel closer to them than I ever have before in my entire life. Their love and support for me has been truly amazing.

Family is a beautiful and sacred gift. I am so grateful for mine. Secrets inside of them can be devastating. Just like the child at the playground, I'm sure, at times, as secrets have come out, my family has felt hurt, confused, or untrusted.

Secrets....secrets....hurt someone.

So family, if in anyway you have been hurt, or felt utterly confused, or totally untrusted in the past......Please know we love you so much. We love your smiling faces. We love your laughs, we love that we have you in our lives. Please know if any feelings were hurt in the past it was not my intention. My thoughts were just to set things in truth and love. I love you all so much. I hope all is well.

Didn't mama say, "The truth will set you free?" 


Spread love everywhere you go.
First of all in your own house. 
Give love to your children,
 to your wife or husband, 
to a next door neighbor. 
Let no one ever come to you 
without leaving better and happier.
 Be the living expression of God's kindness. 
Kindness in your face,
Kindness in your eyes, 
kindness in your smile, 
kindness in your warm greeting.
                                                                                       (Mother Teresa)

I have had someone look at me with kindness in their eyes and warmness in their smile. I could feel the love and meaning they had behind that smile. That smile kept my spirits high for a week. Just one smile.

I've always loved mother Teresa. This quote really got me thinking this week. It made me think of the word magnetic.

I have a friend who is just magnetic. Her face, her smile, her laugh, her personality, her everything, is just what you want to be around.

She is the type of person that you just can't get enough of. She is unique in the best kind of way. Her smile is sincere. She will make you feel like you are her best friend within a matter of minutes and immediately care for you.

If she is having a bad day she will make sure she does something for someone else, because that is what makes her feel better. She is completely selfless.

This quote made me think of these magnetic people we have in our lives. People who we see and our day is better. People who make me want to be a better person. People I see, and they make me smile my true smile.

I have such a beautiful family. Their smiles are true gifts in my life. I'm not just talking immediate family, extended family as well.

Sabrina, your smile is so beautiful and has brought me so much fun in my life. I always love it when I get to see you. You are an amazing mother.
Corie, your smile and giggle is contagious. I'm always excited to see you. You have helped me through a lot lately. I love you so much. You are amazing, you have no idea!
Stacy, I don't think you ever see this blog but you are the sister I never had. I love everything about you.
Justin and Heather Hanson, the cutest couple in the world! But seriously Justin, one of my favorite cousins!!! But I know you're on everyone's top 10.
Kristie, love your kindness. You are so fun to be around.Your children should be models:)
Livvy, you are absolutely amazing. Your strength has always been an example to me. You are beyond beautiful.
Emily (cousin), I just love you. You are so fun to be around and I miss seeing you.
Amanda, I love your honesty. You are so wonderful.
Grandma, your smile is my favorite. It warms me up and makes everything better.
Adam, I'm the happiest when you smile. You can't help but be happy when you are around. If you are around, all my worries cease to exist.
Cabub, I adore everything about you. You will always make life a breath of fresh air and so much funner to live in.
Seth, best smile in the world. No one can beat your smile buddy. Nobody.
Jesse, Yours is the smile I miss and cherish the most.
Jenna, Your smile shows your true beauty. You are warm, loving, and tender. That is what I love most about you. You are irreplaceable.
Megs, I am happier when I see you. Your smile has always been one of my favorite things. You are irreplaceable.
Emily, My other sister:), Your smile is a necessity in my life. You are one of my favorite people in the world.
Mamma, your smile has to always be there.....I don't know what I would do with out it. It is The best thing in the entire world. I'm so grateful god blessed me with such a wonderful mother.
Lexi, Chase, Landon, and Beckham, The smiles I live for. No words can express the warmth, love, and peace they bring to me.
My Hubby, The smile I wish never left in the morning. I love you.

These smiles have been the warmth, love, and strength in my life. I have always left their company and come out a better, happier, person.

Our kind and tender smiles can greatly effect those for good. When no word's could be found, their loving faces have been there for any support. 

I saw this quote and started to think......"How often do I smile?"

(No offense to any family not included in this post. I included all those who I thought might see this post....if you are seeing this post.....I love your smile too:))

Friday, April 19, 2013


Energy. It has left the building. Whatever used to run this body is gone. It now runs on 5 hour energy bottles and energy drinks. I am a walking zombie.

Or so it feels like most of the time. Where did it all go? I used to be able to stay up for hours and wake up and run early in the morning; feel great and get ready for the day. Now, I'm in my PJ's all day, hair greased back, and fighting back crawling back into bed.

These kids are a ball of never ending energy I am chasing after. But they are on turbo speed and my max is set at 50. I'm always two steps behind they 5 steps ahead.

If I am cleaning one room they are right behind like a twister, leaving a room of blobby mess. If the house looks the same as when my husband left in the morning, the day is considered a triumph. I'm sure I have mono. Yes. That's it. I have mono. I must. There is no other way my body could be this tired ALL THE TIME.

I fell asleep on the floor today. Face into the floor, drool everywhere, sloppy, kind of fall asleep. My dog River got worried. She'd been laying by me for the past 15 minutes.

I woke up to a ball of fur on my head and an increasing amount of pressure. River was sitting on my head. It was time to get up. I hear a soft hissing sound and the ball of fur is gone in an instant.

Then came the smell. River had farted on my head and then bolted to the next room.

I had energy...

This dog was dead. I sat up as fast as I could.

The house was in shambles. Beckham was running at me full speed. NO DIAPER. He dives at me. I catch him.

Another smell. My hand slipped across his bum.  "No way!" Poop everywhere. "Really?" Beckham is giggling his cutest giggle so it is impossible to be angry with him. Instead, I run for the dog. I go to grab her to take her outside. I have forgotten the poop is still on my hand. Poop is now all over the dog.

I scream. "Poooo! POOO! It's everywhere!"

By now the kids have all gathered. They are all giggling. Beckham is still half naked.

What is it with my family and poop? I know I still have a potty training child but this is getting a little out of hand.  Why did my dog fart on my head?

I have made a new goal this week and I'm going to see if it helps...

I'm going to exercise every morning for 45 minutes and see if that gives me more energy. I need to be on guard for these little buggers. Who knows what they are planning next...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Can't Hardly Weight!!!

Life has no smooth road for any of us; and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps, till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfills itself.
                                                                             W. C. Doane

Earlier in the year Kirt and I decided to enter into a competition against each other. A weight loss competition. I was so sure Kirt was going to win.

When it comes to competitions against each other, Kirt and I are really competitive. I hate loosing against him.

When we were first married we had never played a board game or even a card game together. So, we decided to play speed. It is basically a matching card game at lightning fast SPEED. So you can imagine when one person gets a lot of matches in a row, without you seeing any of them, you can get really frustrated.

I had grown up playing this game with my family and grandpa. I was sure I was a pro at the entire game. Plus, I was the one teaching Kirt the game. I was sure to win. Right? Wrong. Kirt was a natural. He wasted me time after time.

At first, I pretended I was Ok with it. But soon I was irate! I threw the cards down and ran upstairs like a child. "You're a cheater!" I screamed. If you have ever played speed you  know what I am talking about. That game can be the most frustrating game in the entire world. It is a game of pure honestly. You really can't tell what the other is doing until it is too late if at all.

Kirt ran after me. I screamed again, "Cheater!" I slammed the bathroom door. Kirt couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Ok....this is not happening." I sulked for 10 minutes. I felt so stupid.

Because of that one incident, (and other brief attempts), we have thrown up the white flag on games or anything that might have to do with a competition against each other. Until now.....

Battle of the bulge has been in effect for a month and a half. Kirt came home on day two and announced that he had a salad for lunch and I was furious. He could not win this one. He wins every time we try to do a "friendly" competition. One salad meant 3 lost pounds the next day. No fair Men can loose that easily.

We set up rules. All natural. Do it healthy, with real food. So.......what did I do? YUP..............You guesses it...........I cheated.

I went to a weight loss clinic. I decided to try the HCG diet. (I know what you are thinking....but, oh well, luckily I don't care what people think.) I've heard it all. It doesn't work, It does, It's a lie. You know, everything. I thought, "Well, I've been trying for over a year to get motivated, maybe this will jump start me."

So I did it...................Ladies and Gentlemen......................I have lost 22 pounds. I've been off the HCG diet for 4 weeks and my weight has remained stable and not returned to where it originally was. It actually worked!!! I loved it. I know it is not for some or even most, but I love, love, loved it!!! Granted I still have 20 more to go but I'm just glad I was able to do that. It gave me the motivation to get going and keep going.

Kirt has lost 5 pounds. Oh YEAH!!! Guess who's getting paid??? That's right!!! I am!!! Any ideas on where the money should go to??? I'm the winner of this one sucka!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Where's the Merry-Go-Round???

Do you remember the Merry-Go-Round? You know, the one at the park where you had to grab a hold of it, start running, spin it in a circle as fast as you could, hop on the metal plate with little bars, and hold on for dear life? The one where if you spun in the circle fast enough one of your friends, or you, would go spinning off if you didn't hold on tight enough? The one that made you so dizzy you thought you would barf right then and there, but, at the same time, made you giggle so hard you thought you peed yourself?

Or what Jungle gym tower made of just metal bars??? OH yeah! That one nearly killed me a few times!!! How did we survive? I remember being left to run the neighborhood for hours. Mom just had dad whistle to have us come home. It is crazy to think about doing that now.

I played on that Merry-go-round every time we went to the park. It was my favorite thing at the park.

Where is my Merry-go-Round???

OK. So I am guilty. I don't know if I would let my kids play on it! Sad huh?! I know why is it not in the playgrounds anymore. I am so afraid of them getting badly hurt and trapped underneath that thing. But--I can remember on more than on occasion that thing beating me up pretty good. So, I learned, and never did that again. But I'm noticing my protectiveness is getting in the way of them just being kids.

My mom used to have chicken pock parties. Now it is sanitize, disinfect, isolate. Her way sounds funner:)

By the way I act sometimes it is like I want the playground padded. I'm sure with all the rules I have set up for my kids I'm setting myself up for a revolt when they are teenagers. Saying "they never experienced life and we were too restricting."

I miss the merry-go-round and the metal bars of doom. I know they are way too dangerous but I wonder if I put so much padding on life and my kids that I forget to let kids just be KIDS.

(Who break their arm occasionally at the playground......)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kids say the darndest things...

So I'm going in a complete different direction this time.  Still going with the same theme, still being honest, just thought I'd lighten the mood a little...

My kids and I stayed up way too late one night talking. When I put the kids to bed it's a pretty laid back scenario. I don't have a strict schedule. It drives my husband crazy! It can take me up to and hour and a half to put those kids to bed. I find those little babies minds too funny! We stay up and talk about anything and everything. If you get a kid talking long enough.....their thoughts will fascinate you. My boys especially.

If you get them at night and when they are is late night comedy at its best. A pure laugh fest if you let it.

My boys can talk about and do some of the grossest stuff. I know I should tell them, "Chase! Landon! Becks! Stop talking about your farts!" and "Who cares who's poop is bigger today!" or "Why do you have to sword fight with your pee every time you go to the bathroom?!" But I find myself just laughing in the corner like a child all the time. Who said kids weren't the coolest entertainment God ever blessed us with?!

I am finding this growing up thing a little challenging. How am I supposed to tell my kids to stop doing and saying stuff I personally think is quite hilarious? I can't lie, can I?! My personal ethics are at stake here!! They are like my stay at home comics. Why do I have to be the one to tell them they are behaving poorly? When in reality, I just think, " THAT was funny!!"

I remember the very first time the thought entered my mind to get a boob job. I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off. I was leaning over and rolling my hair up in a towel. My then, 2 year old chase, came bursting through the bathroom door. His eyes immediately went wide and looked straight at my boobs. I hurried and covered them. Chase hurries and says, "Mommy, how long are those?!" I was in shock.

"!" I look down and take a peak. "AWE! They are long!" I thought for a second. "Oh man!!! Now I will have to get them done!!" ---It was a hard day for me--

Yet still they remain. Long and flappy:)

Landon and chase were wrestling, and Chase was on top of Landon bouncing up and down. Landon kept letting out little farts every now and again. Chase says, "Landon, stop farting! You know you can control your farts!!" Landon immediately responds angrily, "No I can't chase, not when you're sitting on me! That's what makes farts pop!"

Now when I hear those arguments I am just hysterically laughing and no parenting will ever occur to this one! It was a winner. Too funny to ruin. I did come in and tell them they made me laugh and that I loved them, though....

Hey, it made them stop arguing. That's the important part, right? Ummmm.......ok, I may have a problem with disciplining things if they are hilarious.

A great example of that is when Aunt Jenna came to visit. Aunt Jenna is young and extremely beautiful. Not only that, she's got some great knockers. (boobies) She comes inside the house and is wearing a low cut v-neck shirt.

Chase and Landon come racing to hug their aunt Jenna. She swoops them in her arms and squeezes them as hard as she can. Their faces all plunge down her neckline. Jenna lets them go. Their hands immediately grab her breasts. (They are 5 and 6)

"What are those?" Landon asks. "AHHHH!!!" Jenna was taken completely off guard. "HAHAHAHA!" I burst out with no control whatsoever. I calm down after what takes A LOT of effort. "I mean, Chase! Landon! No touching Aunt Jenna's boobies!!!" Jenna just looks at me in disbelief. I'm still holding back my laughs. She has now been laughing for awhile too.

"I forgot to tell you that plunging neck lines are a no-no in this house hold. For some reason tiny little hands flock to them."

"Aunt Jenna!" Landon pleaded. "You still didn't answer my question! WHAT ARE THOSE?!" I suddenly realize why they are asking the question to her and not me. Hers looks lots nicer than mine. They aren't "long and flappy", they are huge and perky. I am again that boob job sounds nice.

Jenna is still laughing. Before I can tell Landon to stop talking to my sister about her private parts and give him the whole speech thing you gotta do as parents, she tells them they are her BOOBS.

Awe Man! Landon's eyes got wide and he smiled his biggest grin. He then said the comment every mother needs to hear to help her realize she really does have a boy living in the house with her. Not her perfect little baby child but a full fledged boy who's growing up and develop hormones. Or noticing what he likes about girls. Landon says, "I like those!" he smiles and stares. "AHHHHH!!!" Jenna covers herself with a jacket.

 "I told you! No plunging neck lines!!!" I laughed. Later I listened to the boys talk about boobies and how soft and fun they thought they were. But---they know it is a private part and you can't touch, stare, ask anyone about their private parts. They know to come to me now. No touching random girls boobs. Yea for me! I taught them a lesson!!

Wow! Sometimes I have these conversations with my boys and I think, REALLY? Already? Am I that old? Can I really be having these talks already?But then the classic story of Chase and Landon at the soccer fields...

We were at Lexi's soccer game and Chase and Landon were wrestling around like they always do. Then, A group of girls walk by.......and automatically they both freeze in their tracks and stare. I was in shock. Chase is only 6 years old and Landon is 4. What is going on??? Chase whispers to Landon and says, "Landon, tell those girl to come here." Landon looks at you half angry, half confused, "Why can't you do it?". Chase, "because I told you to do it first! Now do it." Landon looks at Chase defiantly and then takes the defeat, "oh, okay. But next time it's your turn!"  I am thinking to myself, "Next time? Do they do this often? What is going on?" I decide to let all of this play out. I am totally curious if my boys are actually trying to pick up on a group of 15 and 16 year old girls. The group of girls are standing about 30 feet from them and I am hiding in the background where no one can see. Landon shouts, "Hey girls! Come here!"

And then both Chase and Landon start flexing for them.........I am dying! This is too funny! The girls are not impressed, (obviously). They replied, "No!" and turned and started to leave. Chase whispers in Landon's ear again, "Tell them if they don't come over here, we're going to beat them up!" Landon replies, "Awe Chase. Do I have too?" and Chase says, "YES!! Now stop being a baby and do it!" Chase gives Landon a little nudge and yells so loud a few heads even turn to see who was yelling. "Hey girls! If you don't come over here we're going to beat you up." This is when I finally intervene. "Chase, Landon!! If you want to pick up on a girl, threatening to beat her up does not make her want to come over and talk to you." Both of them looked so confused.   

They are just too funny!!! But after having kids and after many nights of talking to them there some things even I have not grown up from. (I know, I know, real SHOCKER there huh?!)

So ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna let ya in on a little bit of a secret.....things I don't tell anyone. But the kids and I's conversation was too funny not to post about. We were asking each other what are some things you do that you would normally never admit to doing. It started out shy and then got crazy funny.

Despite my better judgment,.......I wrote down mine. My kids loved that I participated in the game. Now.....Don't judge me, love me. Because dang it!! I'm freaking awesome! I may have a few screws loose but I like it that way.

Here is the list. (Of course, some of these I did not tell my children.) judging....

I'm afraid of the dark. If Kirt would let me, I would have a night light on every night. I am still sure the girl in the movie, "The Ring",  is out to get me.

If a TV goes will induce a full fledged panic attack. (Oh....she's real people!!!)

I hate shopping. (Don't tell my girl friends! I like to get in and get out!)

I still like to watch Power Rangers. (The red one is my favorite.)

If I bounce on a tramp, my uterus usually feels like it falls out of my HOO-HAA. (SO sure that is not a good thing...)

I sometimes rewind kissing scenes over and over because I think they are so romantic and I wish I was the one kissing the leading man..........(scandalous I know!!! Don't worry, Kirt knows and loves me anyways. He knows he's the hottest man in the world to me anyways.)

I love I can blame all my farts in the stores on my kids and walk away. (I mean, who'd believe them?)

If I could, I would play in the McDonald play place play land. I want to crawl around in those tubes!
I still pee-pee in public pools. Only on occasion.....(Don't tell ANYONE!!!)

If I fart, I have to smell them.........."Gross Niki!" I know!

Those kids are too much fun. Laughing with them is my best medicine. I'm not going to have stay at home, late night comedy forever. Better get it while its hot!