Did you ever hear the phrase on the playground, "Secrets, Secrets, are no fun...Secrets, Secrets, hurt Someone?"
Usually it was said to you while you were whispering into one of your friends ear. All the while, another child was feeling horribly left out. She is imagining horrible things are being said about her. When really the secret may have been just that you peed your pants and you needed to get to the bathroom asap. You just whispered in your friends ear because you needed them to cover for you while you made your get away.
Still the child left out felt hurt. She is your friend too. She is confused why she was not included or trusted like the other friend was.
This is just a silly misunderstanding at a playground. We all have misunderstandings. We've dealt with them our entire lives. We've fixed them and moved on. We all have different trials, weaknesses, and struggles. We all have secrets too.
Secrets that may have hurt others. Secrets that may have hurt ourselves. Secrets that are still hurting. The truth is, Secrets....secrets....really are no fun. The feeling of being honest and authentic is truly a gift.
I'm not faulting anyone for having a secret....believe me....I'm not:) I've got plenty. Yea, I know. You'd think with how honest I am on this blog you'd know everything about me....but yes, even I have secrets. There is a huge reason I started this blog.....for my secrets.
I found the weight of my secrets too much. My baby steps toward being honest with myself and family has been a real journey. I feel closer to them than I ever have before in my entire life. Their love and support for me has been truly amazing.
Family is a beautiful and sacred gift. I am so grateful for mine. Secrets inside of them can be devastating. Just like the child at the playground, I'm sure, at times, as secrets have come out, my family has felt hurt, confused, or untrusted.
Secrets....secrets....hurt someone.
So family, if in anyway you have been hurt, or felt utterly confused, or totally untrusted in the past......Please know we love you so much. We love your smiling faces. We love your laughs, we love that we have you in our lives. Please know if any feelings were hurt in the past it was not my intention. My thoughts were just to set things in truth and love. I love you all so much. I hope all is well.
Didn't mama say, "The truth will set you free?"
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This blog is mainly written by Niki Michaelis. There have been two other co-writers so far: Jenna Pinegar and Sarah Cook. If you need help finding a loved one please contact me. I would be more than willing to put your loved ones picture up and story to get more people looking for your loved one. Email me at themissingpiece777@gmail.com. Will contact you as soon as possible.